Monday, October 11, 2010

The white board (or, how to lower my stress levels!)

I was going to title this post White Power.  Then I realized how bad that would sound!

At any rate, this is my white board:

This is where we lay out our plan for happiness, essentially.  We get to set up our daily chore list... or, rather, what we need done in order to feel content and {relatively} stress free. As we get those things done, we get to check them off.  And how satisfying is that?!?  We also have a weekly and monthly to-do.  Things like  mopping, taking the garbage to the curb, and heartworm preventative.  On the bottom is a calendar portion- important appointments, parties, and other essential dates.  Right now, it's reminding us of our 'anniversary' (we met 4 yeas ago on the 30th!) and some Halloween parties we have coming up.  On the right side is our grocery list- if we think of something we need that isn't on our usual list, we jot it down.  And of course, a space for sweet notes to each other.

We went a long time without our white board in place.  And believe me, it showed.  Our house was pretty much a disaster 24/7, I was embarrassed to have people over without spending hours cleaning, and we were so stressed and overwhelmed all. the. time.  It was really beginning to take its toll.

So, I made a decision to get it back up.  It's not exactly laid out like our original was, but it's pretty close.  And it's all erasable, of course, so we can change things up as needed.  It's in an easily visible (for us! However, a typical guest would not see it!) spot, and reminds us daily of what needs to be done!

And the difference it's made in our lives- well... it's pretty visible:

What about you guys?  What's your preferred methodical madness to keeping your house in order?

Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy.  ~Author Unknown

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