Saturday, July 24, 2010

About the video blog...

Yeah, so, I wanted to do this as a video blog.  Originally. But then I realized, who the hell has time for that stuff?  To schedule 10 minutes or so, 2 nights a week, on a steady basis, just to put my thoughts out there to the world?    Not me.  No siree bob.

You see, I'm a mom.  And a wife. And a full time student. And I get grumpy if I don't have my sleep.  Did I mention I'm a mom?  My (almostbutnotquiteyetandmyhusbandrefusestoadmititsthisclose) 2 year old takes away quite a bit of that.  Not to mention the school thing.  Yeah, I pull all nighters sometimes.  They suck.

And then there's the wife thing.   As if it's not bad enough that I'm barely able to move when I crawl into bed at night, I'm supposed to do WHATNOW?  That headache excuse really doesn't work for me...

So anywhoo.  What was I rambling about?  Oh yes, a video. Now, I may still do a video blog occasionally, as an accessory to this here FINE LITERATURE.  Y'know, when I feel pretty and all.

But otherwise, I'm sorry, you're just gonna have to deal with this. But, hey, show a gal some love and follow me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the real life blog and for the great "I understand" laugh. have fun.

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