Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weddings. Or, what it means to be a girl.

I love weddings.  like, really.  I luuuuurv weddings.  I get disappointed when I can't make it to any one of my friends' wedding, because they're just so beautiful and sentimental and... gosh, I'm getting teary eyed just thinking of it.  Plus, I usually get to dance like a fool.  Yeah I'm that lady, out on the floor shaking my groove thang and throwing my arms in the air for YMCA.

Seriously, y'all.  My love for weddings is intense.

So when P asked me to attend a wedding with him occurring just a week and a half after becoming an item, I didn't think twice about it.  I jumped at the chance, actually.  I was a +1!  To a wedding!  It didn't matter that I hardly knew the bride and groom, much less my date, I was gonna be a WITNESS OF LOVE.

P's roommate saw trouble.  And said so.  Loudly.
"You know she's going to want to get married now, right?" I laughed.  Because really, gals, it's true, right?  We see a wedding, we get all mushy, we want the same.  Hell, I get jealous now of people getting engaged and married... it makes me want to go through it all over again (the horror!).  Of course, I didn't admit as much then.  I didn't want to scare him away.

So anyway, fast forward.  We're in the car with the roomie and headed out to the middle of nowhere for this wedding, when we realize how hungry we are.  Sure, there will be food at the wedding, but who knows when that will be?  So we all decide to pull over and grab a bite.  We need gas, too.

So we find a Taco Bell.  And P's love for Taco Bell goes beyond understanding.  He sees the sign and gets hungry, no matter if he ate 5 minutes ago or not.  It's quite disgusting.  So we order his $15 worth of food (damn fast food is expensive these days!) and the roommate and I get ours.  And you know how at Taco Bell, they have those hot sauce packets?  With the sometimes funny, sometimes baffling little sayings on them?

Yeah, this is what I got...

*not original packet.  I thought we had it in our memory box, but it appears to have gone missing.  I bet he stole it for its deliciousness.

I mean, talk about destiny.

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